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GARR at the Big Data in Health workshop

Pubblicato il 07 July 2017

Big Data in the medical field pose many challenges ranging from data management efficiency to the definition of their value.

In order to address this topic, the workshop Big Data in Health was held in Perugia on 29-30 June, organised by the University of Perugia, in collaboration with the University of Salerno and the University of Miami.

In particular, the seminar sought to tackle the critical question of how to evaluate the current and future impact of Electronic Health Records (EHRs), heterogeneous data, dependent on the generating source and contexts such as geographic or medical structure.
The importance of integrating clinical and administrative data for clinical research support and decision-making has been debated by many experts in the field during the seminar.

GARR participated to the workshop with a presentation by director Federico Ruggieri: Research Networks to access Big Data. In this presentation, the main activities of GARR and its role in helping the Italian research community in managing and transferring huge amounts of data in national and international collaboration environments.

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